Former Grad Students
Kira Dickey (MS, 2018)
Kira worked on airborne electromagnetic data from Yellowstone National Park. Kira worked for Conoco Philips after graduating Virginia Tech, and is now a senior product scientist at Onward.
Brady Flinchum (PhD UWyo, 2017)
Brady did his PhD on critical zone geophysics. He's now an Assistant Professor at Clemson University.
Casey McGuffy (MS UWyo, 2017)
Casey worked on critical zone geophysical data from the Reynolds Creek and Jemez CZO's. She is now an Assistant Project Manager at GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.
Jordan Leone (MS UWyo, 2017)
Jordan worked on the impact of bedrock foliation on regolith thickness. He later went on to work at Cigna Insurance as an actuary.
Chris Novitsky (MS UWyo, 2017)
Chris worked on the detection of fracture-induced anisotropy in the critical zone. He is now a senior software engineer in the private sector.
Over the years I've been extremely privileged to advise and work with many amazing grad students, all of whom have gone on to bigger and better things. As you can see, most of them have managed to get out on ships or into the field at one point or another.
Mario Mata (MS UWyo, 2017)
Mario worked on slope-aspect contrasts in the critical zone associated with wind-driven snow drifting. He is now a high school teacher in Texas.
Jorden Hayes (PhD UWyo, 2016)
Jorden worked on the deep structure of Costa Rica, and on critical zone structure. She is now an Assistant Professor at Dickinson College.
James St. Clair (PhD UWyo, 2015)
James worked on snow hydrology with GPR and the effect of stress on critical zone structure. He is now a scientist at Pacific Northwest National Lab.
Photos coming soon:
Daniel Lizarralde (PhD 1997, WHOI/MIT; currently Senior Scientist at WHOI)
Jun Korenaga (co-advisor; PhD 1999, WHOI/MIT; currently Prof. at Yale University)
Ryan Smith (MS 1999, UW; currently ChevronTexaco)
Margie Kloska (MS 1999, UW; currently ExxonMobil)
Jeff Austin (MS 2001, UW; currently ChevronTexaco)
Kara Hackwith (MS 2002; currently TotalFinaElf)
Greg Nunes (MS 2002; currently ExxonMobil)
Jake Deeds (MS 2002; currently ChevronTexaco)
Donna Shillington (PhD 2004, UW; currently Research Scientist at LDEO, Columbia University)
Matt Hornbach (PhD 2004, UW; currently postdoc at University of Texas Institute for Geophysics)
Papia Nandi (MS 2005, UW; currently British Petroleum)
Jeffrey Nealon (PhD 2006; currently ChevronTexaco)
Pedro Páramo (PhD 2006; currently British Petroleum)
Hillary Brown (PhD 2007; currently ConocoPhillips)
L. Cody Helfrich (MS 2008; currently BP-Alaska)
Elizabeth B. Wilson (MS 2008; currently ConocoPhillips)
Maximiliano Garnier (MS 2012; currently PhD student, University of Wisconsin)
Alicia von Lanken (MS 2012; currently Chevron)
Erik Everson (PhD 2014; currently Chevron
Ryan Armstrong (MS 2015; currently Hess)
Will Fortin (PhD 2015; currently postdoc at LDEO)